It has been dated back into the mid-1940’s, if not before, and the holes represent 46 years of sobriety. Snyder – “The Home Brewmeister” had his last drink on Februand he carried a medallion (pictured right) made from a silver dollar and a watch fob up until just before his death on March 22, 1984. There is evidence that early on many people in AA carried personal momentos to remind themselves of the importance of their sobriety. The traditions of chips, medallions and birthdays vary from group to group and 12 Step Fellowship to Fellowship. A desire chip signifies the recipient’s desire to stay sober for the next 24 hours. The first chip which is usually given out to a newcomer is called a ‘desire’ chip. Small medallions commemorating various lengths of sobriety i.e., 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9 months years and multiples of years. Many members, especially newcomers, carry a chip with them as a constant reminder of their commitment to stay sober or clean or free.
The custom followed by some AA groups of handing out small medallions called ‘chips’ (some use keytags) to mark various anniversaries of AA, CA, NA member’s sobriety dates. Your sobriety date is the date on which you had your last drink or used drugs or placed a bet, or acted out in a compulsive-obsessive manner OR the date you sobered up or cleaned up from your last debauch.